Quando chega a hora de falar com a familia dá aquele friozinho na barriga de não saber o que perguntar não é mesmo?? Então vou colocar algumas perguntas para vocês se prepararem um pouquinho e já deixarem prontas quando as familias entrarem em contato:
Há tanto perguntas para fazer para as familias como as possiveis perguntas que eles podem fazer, o bom já deixar algumas respondidas, pois na hora nós ficamos tão nervosas que esquecemos algumas coisas né??


About the children:

- How many children are there?
- What are their names?
- How old are they?
- What do they like to do?
- What are their favorite games and toys?
- Se a criança for bebê: Is she/he walking and talking?
- How are (is) their (his/her) personality?
- What do they like to do in their free time?
- What do they usually eat? (for breakfast and lunch)
- Am I going to fix dinner for the kids?
- Is there any kind of food that theydon't eat?
- Have the kids suffer from any kind of allergies?
- Are they in school? How far away is the school?
-  How do they go to school, by bus? Am I going to drive them to school?
- What are their activities? (outdoor, indoor)

About the parents:

- What is your name? What is your wife's name (or husband)? How old are you?
- Do the both parents work?
- Where do you work and what do you do?
- Do you have any religion?
- What are your hobbies?
- Do family members or relatives live nearby?
- What qualities do you find important in an au Pair? What are you expecting from me?
- What are the house's rules?
- What are the family activities on the weekends?
- How long have you lived in that state?
- Where have you lived before? 
- Have you ever been overseas? Did you like it? 
- Have you ever been to Brazil? 

About their home:

- Where do you live? In which state?
- Is it a small town?
- Is it near a big city? Which one?
- Is it too cold in the city? Does it snow there?
- Do you live in house or apartment?
- Do you have pets?
- Do you have a housekeeper?
- What about the au pair's bedroom, what part of the house is the bedroom located?
- Will I have a private room, bathroom?
- Are there other families with children nearby?
- Are there any other au pairs in the area?
- What things are around there to do with the children?
- Have you ever had an aupair before? Is she still living with you?
- Would you mind if i ask you to talk to her or send her an e-mail?

About the Au Pair's Duties:

- Will I be responsible for any household duties? If so, which ones?
- What will my schedule be like?
- Will I have time to study? What time?
- Are there any English Schools nearby your house?
- What time should I get home during the week and on the weekends?
- Will I have access to internet? ou Is the house wireless?

About the car:

- Will I have permission to use the car? How often? How far?
- Is a state driver's license required?
- Are there only certain times when I can use the car?
- Can I use the car during my free time?
- Who will pay for the gas when I use the car?

Perguntas para a atual Au Pair, caso eles tenham:

- What do you think about the family? And the kids?
- Are they nice with you?
- Do they pay you weekly or per month?
- Do you do extra work? I mean, if you work for other people, take care of their kids or clean the garden from the neighbors?
- Do you study? If so, is the school near from the house?
- Is there any cool place around to go there?
- What do you think they would like to receive as a gift?
-  What do you like the most to do in your free time? 


- Have you ever lived out od your home country before?
- Tell us about your personality. Are you a cheerful person?
- Can you adjust living with a foreing family and be a part of it?
- Can you live apart from your family and friends
- Have you ever an au pair before?
- Why do you want to be an au pair?
- How well do you speak our language?
- Are you planning on going to a language school
- What is your parent's occupation?
- How large is your hometown? Is it a large city or a rural area?
- What is your last diploma you received? Are you a good student?
- What are your hobbies and interests?
- How is your driving and driving record?
- Do you have a criminal record?
- Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?
- How would you spend your weekends here?
- Will you request any time off to oberve certain religious days?
- How do we arrange the vacacion schedules?
- Are you flexible? If we run little late from work, do you mind?
- Would you participate in our family outings or vacacion?
- Do you have any brother or sister?
- Please tell us about your childcare experience
- Do you have any first- aid training?
- Can you cook?
- Do you have anu dietary restrictions? Is there any type of food you don't eat?
- How would you approach any problems or issues during your stay?
- If we want you teach our children your native language, would you mind speaking to them in your language??
- Do you have any allergies?
- How is your health? Do you have any health related issues?
- What kind of activities would you do with the kids?
- Can you help the children with homework?
-  Would you treat younger and older children equally?
- How many children can you take care of?
- Our children playmates coming over to our house regularly? Do you mind having more children around some days?
- How do you think this experience will change you as a person?
- What are your plans after your au pair experience?

- What values did you parents teach you as being most important in life?
- What three adjectives would your friends use to describe you?
- Do you have a boyfriend? How does he feel about your decision to become an AP? How do you think you’ll handle being away from him for a year?
- What kind of roads do you typically drive on?
- Do you have experience driving in heavy traffic?
- Do you own your own car?
- Do you drive often, how often?
- How long have you driven?
- Are you OK driving long distances to travel?
- What kind of cars have you driven?
- What is the furthest distance you have ever driven?
- What kind of bad weather have you driven in? (snow? heavy rain?)
- Have you ever used a GPS?
- When you need to figure out how to drive to somewhere, how do you get directions?
- Have you ever gotten lost while driving? If so, what did you do?
- Have you ever been on a road trip with a friend?
- What is your best driving habit?
- What is your worst driving habit?
- How is driving at nighttime different from driving during the daytime?
- Are you close with your siblings?
- How did you hear about the program and who suggested that you become an aupair ?
- Do you have relatives in the US
- Is religion important to you?
- Are you a morning person? Are you able to start your day early?
- Do you have a housekeeper? Do you have duties at home? Please explain what your duties are
- Have you had a job before? Tell us about your job & what you did. What where the challenges? -What did you like? How long did you work there? Why did you quit?
- How do you handle conflict with your parents?
- How do you like to keep your room at home?
- If the baby is crying & hurt, the 3 & 4 year old are fighting & the doorbell rings – how would you handle that situation?
- What would you do if you were driving & the boys are fighting or takes off a seat belt?
- What is your biggest strength/weakness?
- What is your biggest concern or fear about becoming an au pair?
- Why do you want to come to the USA and what are your plans when you go back to your home country?
- The child you are looking after is just learning to walk. She is walking on a concrete sidewalk and falls forward and hits her head. Her head is cut and bleeding heavily. She is crying hysterically and is very upset because she is in pain and is scared. How do you handle this?
- Have you ever clipped a baby’s fingernails or toenails?
- What are your expectations for the home that you will live in as an au pair? Will you be uncomfortable if the home is not perfectly clean at all times?
- Have you had any prior lengthy illnesses?
- What age children do you prefer to take care of?
- How much sleep do you need to feel rested?
- How do you plan to spend your time when you’re not working?
- Do you know anyone in the US?
- What is your best and worst memory of your family life?
- What kind of role do you want to have with the children? A playmate? A teacher? A parent? How would you go about these roles?
- Do you want to be like a roommate or do you want to be like a member of the host family? A roommate socializes outside of the home most nights and weekend with friends. A member of the family eats dinner at home each night and spends time at home on the weekends and watches movies with the host family in the evening.
- How do you make friends?
- Do you enjoy playing with dogs and are you comfortable with them?
- How do you envision your day taking care of our daughter?
- What do you think is most exciting thing about coming to the US as an au pair?

Dicas: Se você não entender algo do que eles disserem, apenas diga "Sorry, I don't understand. Can you repeat please?" ou também você pode dizer "Can you speak slowly please?", para nós, quando nao entendemos nós falamos "que?"que seria o "WHAT", mas isso para os americanos é pessimo, então tomem cuidado, quando não entenderem algo, diga SORRY.

ou colocar tambem algumas possiveis perguntas que vocês poderão encontrar no dia do visto:

- Do you speak english?
- How long you will be in U.S?
- How this au pair program works?
- Are you work through an agency?
- You live with your parents?
- How much they will pay you in U.S? 
- Tell about your host family..
- Where are you going to study? 
- Who's spending your trip?
-  Do you know what part of the United States (nome da sua cidade) is?
- Do you have contact with your family? 
- What do you want do in United States? 
-  How many kids they have? 
How old are they?  
- O que você vai fazer la?
- Qual o motivo da viagem ?
- Qual a sua ocupação?
- Você ja é formada na faculdade?
- Pra qual cidade você vai? 
- Por qual agência você vai? 
- Quanto você pagou para a agencia?
- Por que você quer ser Au Pair?
-Porque não outro programa de intercâmbio?
- O que os seus pais fazem?
- Tem experiência com crianças?
-  O que você pretende fazer quando voltar ao Brasil?
- Voce se formou em quê? 
- Quem tá pagando seu vôo?
- Como você ficou sabendo do programa?
- Quão bem você fala inglês?
- Onde você se formou?
-  Com quem você mora no Brasil?
-  O que vai fazer com as kids?
- Quando você terminou os estudos?
- Onde e por quanto tempo estudou inglês?
- O que você está fazendo agora?
- O que você faria se acontecesse uma emergência com as crianças?
- O que Au pair tem a ver com sua carreira?
- Quanto era a mensalidade da sua faculdade?
- Qual o patrimônio da sua família?

Bom gente é isso, não será todas essas perguntas que poderão ser, tanto no visto quanto que as host family fizer, provavelmente irá ter perguntas que não estão aqui, mas já da para ter uma noção do que eles podem perguntar e ficar meio que preparadas!!!
Decore bem seu APP, pois se no seu app vc fla que cozinha mtu bem e dirigi melhor ainda, vc tambem tem que afirmar isso quando a familia perguntar.